It Costs Me 3 Weeks Hospitalized to Learn Time Management

Ade Iftahaq
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readApr 2, 2021


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Around six months working in a start-up company have been a fascinating moment for me. I meet hustle moments and new problems almost every day, even on holiday. It makes me push myself to the limit and learning a lot of new things simultaneously.

There was a moment where my physical condition could not keep up the pace. I often get sleepy on a day, including when I drive. I was aware of how dangerous it was. So, I increase the caffeine intake in my body by drink more coffee or tea.

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

However, it seems that was not enough. I have got an accident because of overslept while driving a motorcycle. In my country, Indonesia, a motorcycle is a common vehicle for daily use. It is also known for causing the highest rate of an accident. In 2018, there were 73.49 percent of 196.457 accidents with motorcycle involved — bisnisnews

From that accident, I had a critical wound on my knee, which needed serious treatment. That accident was forcing me to be hospitalized for 3 weeks.

Along the way to recovering my wound and healthiness, I listed down my habits leading to that accident.

1. I Accepted All Tasks and Responsibilities in Workplace

It was my principal to accept any challenge before me. Even if I don’t really know how to solve a problem, I did not mind accepting it. I need to google it or ask for the higher position or the one who request it.

2. I Didn’t Delegate Task Wisely to My Subordinates

As the only one experienced engineer, I always thought that my subordinates could not handle the task that I could not do. I doubted their capabilities so that I rarely delegating my job. In the end, I have to handle a lot of works myself.

3. I Had an Unhealthy Lifestyle

Handling more jobs and responsibilities made me lack time for exercise. I also took more snack during overtime, especially simple-carbohydrate snacks, which is not good for our health. It successfully increased both of my newly bad habits by several pounds of my weight.

A limp on your body can be the starting point of obesity. This is an alarm that remind you to start a healthy lifestyle — klikdokter

After sum up, I realized that what I lacked the most is “Time Management.”

I started to build up better habits, e.g., list down all my jobs, then making a list from the most critical to less critical jobs. Then, divide what the jobs that I really need to take care of directly were.

Besides, I was also making a program to develop my team. As a good leader, I must nurture another leader. And this is one of the best ways. If my team improved, it would be easy to delegate responsibilities. My team member will be better people, and I would not get overwhelmed. That was a win-win solution.

Then, to encounter my unhealthy lifestyle, I am still attempting to find the most suitable way. At least I have already eliminating snack time from my routine activity.

The best part of better time management is I have more time to spend with my family, while my office performance is still maintained well.

Actually, taking a good vacation with your family is also a good choice to keep your sanity.

